Las rimas para el desarrollo de la expresión verbal en niños y niñas de 3 a 4 años de edad en el centro de educación inicial “Carlota Noboa de Durango” del cantón Guaranda, provincia Bolívar, año 2023

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Universidad Estatal de Bolívar. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Carrera Educación Inicial
amplio a los niños de tal manera que puedan ser utilizadas para combinar palabras formando rimas, desplegando y mejorando la articulación y su capacidad de escuchar, utilizar las letras, y conocer las imágenes por medio de la expresión verbal. También, conocimos que las rimas son más dinámicas a la hora de realizarlos en las aulas de clase mediante objetos referente al tema además, al interactuar con los nombres de los niños optan por ser los principales en desarrollar su aprendizaje, el aprendizaje significativo, se despliega mediante las experiencias realizadas con las actividades diariamente que ayudan a dar solución a la comunicación de los niños y siendo está más clara y expresiva. Se tomo en cuenta que la docente no tiene el conocimiento necesario en la aplicación de rimas para los niños, porque se evidencia que es dificultoso en realizar actividades que apliquen estrategias innovadoras que se pueda motivar para que tengan un mejor aprendizaje todos los niños, por esto se implementó como propuesta la ejecución de actividades que servirá como herramienta para la adquisición de la lecto- escritura esto será útil para el desarrollo de los niños.
The research project deals with the topic: "Rhymes for the development of verbal expression in children from 3 to 4 years old in the early education center "Carlota Noboa De Durango", for this work we resorted to bibliographic sources, the approach of this research is qualitative so different data was collected from the 27 boys and girls, The research details descriptive and explanatory information, for which inductive and deductive methods were used, analysis - synthesis, research - action, and for data collection techniques were applied direct observation and survey, the instruments used are: the observation sheet and questionnaire. The research is relevant because it will determine the incidence of rhymes for the development of verbal expression in children from 3 to 4 years old, to improve their language skills, the different vocabulary, developing with better efficiency the use of rhymes in children. In the Early Education Center "Carlota Noboa De Durango", there is a problem of lack of knowledge of activities with rhymes to develop verbal expression in children who have difficulty expressing themselves verbally, which brings many consequences in linguistics to children because they cannot formulate their sentences well, hindering effective communication in their daily lives. In the theoretical framework, the importance of rhymes for the development of verbal expression in children was evidenced, reaching the ability of autonomous communication through words, letters and sounds. They are identified with the appropriate visual material for the development of language, strengthening their ability to speak so they will obtain better results. In the studies that are recommended is: a proper approach to the acquisition of verbal language which allows a wider vocabulary to children so that they can be used to combine words forming rhymes, deploying and 14 improving articulation and their ability to listen, use the letters, and know the images through verbal expression. Also, we learned that the rhymes are more dynamic when performed in the classroom through objects related to the topic in addition, when interacting with the names of the children choose to be the main ones in developing their learning, meaningful learning, unfolds through the experiences made with daily activities that help to solve the communication of children and being clearer and more expressive. It was taken into account that the teacher does not have the necessary knowledge in the application of rhymes for children, because it is difficult to perform activities that apply innovative strategies that can motivate them to have a better learning for all children, so it was implemented as a proposal the implementation of activities that will serve as a tool for the acquisition of reading and writing that will be useful for the development of children.