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Ingenieria Agroforestal
Browsing Agroforestal by Subject "CANTÓN ECHEANDÍA"
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- ItemAdaptación y caracterización morfológica de plantas medicinales subtropicales del cantón Echeandía, provincia de Bolívar(UEB.FCCAF.IF, 2013) Borja Barragán, Carmen Elizabeth; Chimbo Rochina, José ManuelThe medicinal plants contribute to the invigoration of the programs of health and also to the economy of the Ecuador. They are different the forms in those that take advantage the plants an according space continue growing the world population. Most won't have access to the medications of the industry pharmacists. The present investigation was developed in the experimental farm Echeandía of the State University of Bolívar, canton Echeandía, province Bolívar, located to an altitude of 600 mls. They thought about the following objectives: i) Establish a bank germoplásmico of medicinal plants in the canton Echeandía. ii) Identify and to characterize each one of the medicinal plants. iii) Create a database of plants medicinally for future investigations. It was used fifty species of subtropical medicinal plants to those that he/she was carried out a descriptive statistic being calculated Frequency (F), Percentage of the frequency (% f), arithmetic mean (Ẍ), Maxima (Max) and Minima (Min). The main results were: The morphological and agronomic characteristics of the plants medicinal employees in this investigation were different for the main evaluated variables. Each species has a report of medicinal use, registered its family, names communes, scientific name including the gender. The variable height of plants, diameter of the shaft, wide equatorial of the leaf, number branches and leaves, longitude of the petiole was evaluated in a sample of 6 plants to the 45 days after the transplant and in the stage flotation fenológyc. Registered 100% of survival in the plants of medicinal. Inside the characterization they were herbaceous type species, arbustive, of pleasant aroma, with different types of leaves, flowers of showy colors, plants that can be cultivated to open field or in gavels, being able to multiply for seeds and vegetative parts. One had presence snails, same that was controlled on time in a manual way
- ItemDiagnóstico de los recursos naturales de la microcuenca de Charqui Yacú del cantón Echeandía, provincia Bolívar(Universidad Estatal de Bolívar . Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias . Escuela de Ingeniería Agroforestal, 2009) Vásconez, Andrade Duval; Viscarra, Monar Robert; Yánez García, Angel RodrigoRenewable the natural resources water, ground, vegetation and air are the goods of the nature that allow the processes of the life and development In the world every year the forests are reduced; according to the FAO (2003), In our country, the degradation of renewable the natural resources is constant. The deforestation with an annual rate of 163,400 hectares En Ecuador exists approximately 10.557.000 hectares of forests the grass surface has been increased in the country in decline of area of natural forests, the natural vegetal cover has been replaced by different types from uses, like (cultures, grass). Diagnosing the present state of the existing natural resources in micro Charquiyacu river basin of the Echeandía Corner, the boundary of the microriver basin and identification on the use of the ground and hydric network. Knowing the existing production systems in the microriver basin. The identification of the main species of existing flora and fauna in the microriver basin. And determining the hydric availability of the microriver basin. is the objectives of this investigation the present investigation was made in the Province Bolivar Echeandía corner Charqui sector I use the following materials Altimeter, Podadora, GPS, Rain gauge, Lisímetro, Equipment of Software. ArcView GIS 3,2 for the maps Microsoft Office. The methodology which I am applied in I diagnose is the one that is used to study a community or vegetal association within a microriver basin or geographic unit. In order to analyze the data taken from field, a simple program of descriptive statistic, Correlations and regressions. Obtained results the microriver basin Charquiyacu is located to an altitude that goes from 561 ms s.n.m to 1430 ms s.n.m. This area has a surface of 200.5 has is between the following edges: North: Miguel Espi'n and Aníbal Rosero (foot) where exist cultures associate and pastizales. The south: Gualberto Bonilla (head) mountain. This: Aníbal Rosero and Gualberto Bonilla (a flank) Mountain the West: School of Pángala (another Flank) pastizales. One determined that the microriver basin is of form type canelón in where 3 points of main affluence with 8 affluents of second order exist and 2 of third order Within the microriver basin exist 12 proprietors of the 200 earth that occupy 5 is the proprietor who has more land extension is Mr. Jose Villares with 32 has, the predominant production system is the grass with 58,85% of the surface of the microriver basin and 12,22% of natural forest and surpluses of forest.519 animals within the zone of influence exist altogether of which 24,08 % are of cattle in which it talks about arboreal vegetal species we have are 16 different species in where the species predominates chicken eye in which it talks about the shrubs we have to Asan, mountain Coffee and black Chilco that is those that but predominates in the zone you boil Them or crawling species that exist are Roast crawling, Palama, Mote of mountain, Bed I scream, the wild fauna we can say that 12 species of birds exist, Identified 5 species of mammals, being the species with greater I number of 8 animals is the Squirrel the identified reptiles that it has greater I number of animals is the Small lizard the amount of precipitation quantified in the microriver basin is of 566.4 mm by square meter in average at rainy time unlike the 63.23 mm by square meter at dry time these differences clearly must to the climatic factors. The volume of the water that happens through the volumes of the Charquiyacu river basin at the rainy time is in average of 39 liters per second unlike the volume of water that flows at the dry time that is of 25.36 liters per second in average this must to the amount of precipitation presented/displayed at the different times in the zone. An annual average of the hydric availability that offers the microriver basin of Carquiyacu is of 16,16 ltrs/seg. In summer ltrs/seg offers an average of 18,66. In winter ltrs/seg offers an average of 39,00
- ItemEvaluación agronómica de moral fino (Chlorophora tinctoria) con tres tipos de sustrato y tres dosis de ácido giberélico, en el cantón Echeandía provincia Bolívar(Universidad Estatal de Bolívar . Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias . Escuela de Ingeniería Agroforestal, 2009) Balarezo Calero, Elenita Del Rocío; Fierro Borja, Sonia del CarmenThe moral fine (Chlorophora tinctoria), it is a specie of a great importance at world level from the social, cultural, economic and environmental point of view. The indiscriminate pruning and the inadequacy of sustained programs of forestation pun in risk the existence of this species and many others. One of the factors that determine the low productivity of this specie is the short viability that presents the seeds, the unfavorable environmental conditions, and the insufficient knowledge of the benefits, for what it is necessary to evaluate the sexual propagation of this specie in different bases and gibberellic acid dose in nursery stage. This investigation was carried out in the canton Echeandía to 6 km road to Guaranda to an altitude of 600 msnm osl, with a temperature average of 18o C and an annual precipitation of 2500 mm. The objectives established in this investigation were: Determine the most excellent agronomic characteristics that present the plants in each one of the treatments. Study the effect (answer) of the gibberellic acid on the sexual propagation of fine morals. Determine the best type of basis to obtain the best germination percentage. Carry out an economic analysis cost/benefit. A complete blocks design was used DBCA at random in factorial arrangement plus a sample 3x3+1 with there repetitions. The A factor corresponded to there types of bases: A1: black soil plus bark of rice, A2 black soil plus guabos soil plus bark of coffee. The factor B corresponds to three gibberellic acid dose: B1: 100 ppm, B2: 200 ppm and B3: 300 ppm of gibberellic acid, 9 treatments were obtained plus a sample with three repetitions with a total of 30 treatments. The chemical of the bases, variance analysis, test of Tukey to 5%, simple analysis of correlation and simple regression and economic analysis were made. The germination of the seed of this specie is from 80 to 100% provided you sow it on time and with an appropriate treatment. As for the control of plagues and illnesses was carried out with Lynx for the earth and the rest was controlled in a homemade way, putting in practice insecticides, fungicides and trap for insects adults were guided to the organic control, in a nursery tree is more efficient this methodology in the definitive place it become more tedious this type of controls. The results most release obtained in is investigation of agreement a the objectives were: Regarding the most excellent agronomic characteristics the treatment what presented the best results in the 70% of the variably was T6 A2B3: soil plus soil guabos a 300 ppm of gibberellic acid. Regarding to the effect of the application of the different doses of gibberellic acid has effect not significant in the 90 % of the variably in is investigation In relation the basis was present the best results in world the variably except in the variably days the brotation DB was the A2: black soil plus soil guabos. As for a the variably AP the plus results se obtained en T6: A2B3: black soil plus soil guabos whit a value of 65,54 cm to 90 days. Regarding to the economic analysis the treatment that presented the smallest cost in relation to the beneficiate was A2: black soil plus guabos soil with a benefice of $ 0,07 dollars
- ItemEvaluación de cuatro sustratos y dos fitohormonas en el prendimiento de estacas de caña guadúa (Guadúa angustifolia) en el sitio el Mirador, cantón Echeandía, provincia Bolívar(Universidad Estatal de Bolívar . Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias . Escuela de Ingeniería Agroforestal, 2012) Andrade Núñez, Darwin Hernán; Monar, NelsonIn the world, you begin to look to the cane guadúa like an ecological alternative, since its use in several productive processes would reduce the impact on the native forests, because the guadúa can be a substitute of the wood. This investigation was carried in the Mirador, Echeandía city, Bolívar state, to an altitude of 600 mls. The objectives outlined in this investigative work were: i) Evaluate the effect of four bases and two fitohormonas in the asexual propagation of guadúa plants in nursery. ii) Determine the effect of four types of organic bases on the apprehension of guadúa plants in nursery. iii) Measure the answer of two types of hormones in the asexual propagation of guadúa plants in nursery and their effect in the apprehension components and survival of plants. iv) Carry out a budget economic analysis partially and Marginal Rate of Return (TMR%). A design of Complete Blocks was used at random (DBCA) in factorial arrangement 4x2. Factor A corresponded to four types of bases: A1: Earth of Guabo, A2: Humus of Worm, A3: Shell of Cocoa and A4: Earth of the Place. The Factor B was two types of hormones B1: Cytokin and B2: Rootmost. Eight treatments were had with three repetitions. They were carried out variance analysis, main effect for types of hormones, test of Tukey for factor A, Types of bases and interactions AxB. Correlation analysis and economic of budget partially and calculation of the TMR%. The more important results were: The basis with the percentage of survival of higher guadúa to the 90 days was the A1: Earth of Guabo with 89,67%. The hormone with the biggest percentage of survival of guadúa plants to the 90 days was Cytokin with 79,17%. In the interaction of factors AxB, the highest percentage of survival in plants was evaluated in the T 1: A1B1 (Guabo Earth with the hormone Cytokin) with 90,33%. The independent variables that contributed to obtain a bigger percentage of survival of plants to the 90 days were: percentage of apprehension of plants to the 30 and 60 days, height of the bud to the 60 and 90 days, diameter of the shaft to the 90 days and root volume to the 90 days. Economically the treatment with the highest net profit was the T5: A3B1 (Shell of cocoa with the hormone Cytokin) with $. 44,48 and a value of TMR of 37%. Finally this study contributed to improve the asexual propagation of cane guadúa, 123 having plants of good quality, very developed and in smaller time, with 60 days less in relation to the one to conventional propagation, that makes more competitive the activity of the viverista
- ItemIdentificación y caracterización de las especies forestales en las comunidades de San José de Camarón, Chazo Juan, Tigre-Yacú Cañitas del Cantón Echeandía, Provincia Bolívar(UEB.FCCAG.IAF, 2013) Alegria Pazmiño, Paquita Alexandra; Chimbo Rochina, Laura Magdalena; Sánchez, JoséThe forest is extremely useful to humans and essential to its survival. The mass occupies Echeandía Canton wooded 0.67% of the total area of Ecuador; it is mostly operated forest, determined by secondary vegetation and exotic and native tree species. Forest resources available to the county Echeandía are key determinants of their economic and social development, hence the identification and characterization of forest species in each of the communities, seeks to contribute to a database of existing forest species and establish the species in danger of extinction to recover and / or at least maintain the flora and fauna. The objectives in this research were: Identify and characterize forest species in the communities of San Jose de Camarón, Chazo John and Tiger-Yacú the Cañitas. Identify the dominant tree species in the communities studied. To determine the morphological characteristics that present each of the tree species. Conduct a study of forest species dasonométrico. This research was conducted in the province of Bolivar, Canton Echeandía, communities Shrimp, Chazo John and Tiger-Yacú Cañitas. Statistical analyzes performed were: Arithmetic mean, frequency, percentage frequency, maximum, minimum, and standard deviation. The main findings in this study were synthesized: stands which made this research work, have an area of about 0.9 hectares, is irregular in making an inventory of the trees that make the community stand Shrimp, we identified 17 different species of trees, in which over comes the Milkman (Sapium glandulosum) in a number of 16 trees. In the community of Chazo-Juan was identified 21 different species, the more numerous the Hiwa (Genipa americana) in a 6 trees. In the 109 community of Tiger-Yacú identified 17 different species of trees, the most outstanding was the Tangare (Carapa guianensis) in a number of 27 trees. The average total height of the trees in the village of Camarón was 28.5 m to 28.5- Juan Chazo my Tiger-Yacú with 24.56 m. The average height in assessing commercial trees in the community was 17.90 m Shrimp for Chazo-John was my Tiger-Yacú 17.54 to 14.2 m. The most prevalent form of glass was irregular between species of trees in the stands
- ItemIdentificación y caracterización morfológica de las especies arbóreas y arbustivas en el rodal la Merced, cantón Echeandía, provincia Bolívar(Universidad Estatal de Bolívar . Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias . Escuela de Ingeniería Agroforestal, 2013) Chango, Jorge Enrique; Fernández Núñez, Luís Miguel; Monar Gavilanez, NelsonThe Rodale’s is not only constituted by the group of trees, in fact they are represented by elements like floor, forest species, microclimate silvícola, fauna of all type and size, plants of all species, animals that are interacting to each other, generating very important conditions for the development of the biological life of the ecosystems. This investigation, was carried out in the Rodal The Merced of the canton Echeandía, county Bolívar, located to 480 msnm, with a half temperature of 23°C, a precipitation of 2300 mm. The outlined objectives were: i) Identify the arboreal species and existent arbustivas in the rodal the Merced. ii) Determine the morphological characteristics that present each one of the arboreal species and arbustivas and iii) Carry out a study dasonométrico of the forest species inside the rodal. A descriptive statistic was used where it was calculated the Frequency and arithmetic mean. The main results obtained in this investigation were: The rodal The Merced, it is confirmed by 9 arboreal species as Rubber (Castile elastic); Cedro (Cedrela odonata); Husk (Croton eluteria); Jigua (Nectandra sp); hen Chest (Vismia obtuse); Guabo (Inga edulis), Fernán Sánchez (Triplaris guayaquilensis Wedd); hen Blood (Otoba gordoniifolia) and white Raft (Ochroma pyramidale). It was identified 4 species arbustivas like Palm (Pholidostachys pulchra); Coffee (Caniphora pierre); Cojojo (Acnistus arborescens L) and Fern roasts (Polypodium vulgare). The arboreal species with the biggest, height, diameter height chest, basal area and wooden volume was the white Raft. The type of surrounds of the species arboreal Rubber, Husk, hen Blood and white Raft was Irregular; in the Guabo it was Aparasolada; in the trees of Jigua, Fernán Sánchez and Cedro it surrounds was Round; the surrounds of the species hen Chest was Glomerular