Aislamiento de dos Cepas Nativas del Hongo (Beauveria bassaiana) para el control de la broca del Café (Hypothenemus hampel) con tres tipos de concentraciones de unidades formadoras de colonias en el laboratorio de microbiología de la Universidades Estatal de Bolívar
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Universidad Estatal de Bolívar. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Recursos Naturales y del Ambiente . Escuela Ingeniería Agronómica
El uso de organismos benéficos hoy en día está siendo aplicado en
muchos países, sobre todo en temas de investigación sobre controles
biológicos, razón por la cual mediante este proyecto se busca incentivar
este tipo de trabajos, en este caso se usó un hongo entomopatógeno de
muchas plagas como los es el Hongo (Beauveria bassiana), el cual fue
reproducido en el laboratorio de microbiología de Universidad Estatal de
Bolívar, para el control de la broca del café (Hypothenemus hampei) con
el propósito de contar un una medida más para el manejo integrado de
esta plaga, la cual tiene como iniciativa el control con un organismo vivo y
a la vez orgánico, ya que en nuestro país todavía no se han creado leyes
que impulsen alternativas agradables con el medio ambiente. En esta
investigación se plantearon los siguientes objetivos 1) Separar dos cepas
nativas de Beauveria bassiana presentes en suelos cafetaleros, en el
Cantón Caluma. 2) Determinar la actividad entomopatógena de las
especies de (Beauveria bassiana) sobre (Hypothenemus hampei). 3)
Medir el efecto del hongo sobre la broca en el laboratorio. 4) Conocer cuál
es la concentración ideal de unidades formadoras de colonias de
Beauveria bassiana para el control de la broca del café. Se utilizó un
diseño completamente al azar (DCA) con un arreglo factorial 2x3x4 con 6
tratamientos y 4 repeticiones: Se realizó el análisis de varianza, prueba de
tukey al 5% para comparar los promedios de los tratamientos, análisis de
efecto para el factor A, análisis de correlación y regresión lineal y análisis
de polinomios ortogonales para el factor B. Los rendimientos promedio
más altos fueron para la cepa y la concentración del tratamiento; T3:
Cepa granja el triunfo + 5 * 10
UFC/ml, seguido del tratamiento y la
concentración; T6: Cepa finca Llaguno + 5 * 10
UFC/ml, los cuales al
tener mayor concentración de unidades formadoras de colonias,
mostraron mejores resultados en todas la variables.
The use of beneficial organisms today is being applied in many countries
especially in the areas of research on biological controls, why by this
project sought to encourage this type of work, in this case an
entomopathogenic fungus many used pests such as is the fungus
(Beauveria bassiana), which was reproduced in the laboratory of
microbiology at State University of Bolivar, to control the coffee berry borer
(Hypothenemus hampei) for the purpose of counting a one step for
management integrated pest, which is to control initiative with a living
organism and the organic time, because in our country have not yet
created laws that promote alternatives pleasant environment. In this
research the following objectives 1 raised) separating two native strains of
Beauveria bassiana in coffee soils present in the Caluma Canton. 2)
Determine the activity entomopathogenic species (Beauveria bassiana) on
(Hypothenemus hampei). 3) Measure the effect of the fungus on the bit in
the laboratory. 4) Know what the ideal of colony forming units of Beauveria
bassiana to control the coffee berry borer concentration. The design was
completely random (DCA) with a factorial arrangement 2x3x4 with 6
treatments and 4 repetitions: analysis of variance, Tukey 5% effect
analysis for the factor was performed to compare the average of
treatments, A , correlation analysis and linear regression and analysis of
orthogonal polynomials for factor B. the highest average yields were for
strain and concentration of treatment; T3: farm Cepa win + 5 * 10
ml, followed by treatment and concentration; T6: Cepa farm Llaguno + 5 *
CFU / ml, which having higher concentration of colony forming units
showed better results in all the variables.
The use of beneficial organisms today is being applied in many countries
especially in the areas of research on biological controls, why by this
project sought to encourage this type of work, in this case an
entomopathogenic fungus many used pests such as is the fungus
(Beauveria bassiana), which was reproduced in the laboratory of
microbiology at State University of Bolivar, to control the coffee berry borer
(Hypothenemus hampei) for the purpose of counting a one step for
management integrated pest, which is to control initiative with a living
organism and the organic time, because in our country have not yet
created laws that promote alternatives pleasant environment. In this
research the following objectives 1 raised) separating two native strains of
Beauveria bassiana in coffee soils present in the Caluma Canton. 2)
Determine the activity entomopathogenic species (Beauveria bassiana) on
(Hypothenemus hampei). 3) Measure the effect of the fungus on the bit in
the laboratory. 4) Know what the ideal of colony forming units of Beauveria
bassiana to control the coffee berry borer concentration. The design was
completely random (DCA) with a factorial arrangement 2x3x4 with 6
treatments and 4 repetitions: analysis of variance, Tukey 5% effect
analysis for the factor was performed to compare the average of
treatments, A , correlation analysis and linear regression and analysis of
orthogonal polynomials for factor B. the highest average yields were for
strain and concentration of treatment; T3: farm Cepa win + 5 * 10
ml, followed by treatment and concentration; T6: Cepa farm Llaguno + 5 *
CFU / ml, which having higher concentration of colony forming units
showed better results in all the variables.