El Material Didáctico Para La Enseñanza Aprendizaje Del Ambiente Lógico Matemático, De Los Niños Y Niñas Del Primer Año De Educación Básica De La Escuela “Manuel Rivadeneira” Del Recinto Joyocoto, Parroquia Guanujo, Cantón Guaranda, Provincia Bolívar, En El Periodo 2011 - 2012

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Our project stems from the desire to integrate in teaching the use of teaching materials to enhance the cognitive development of children / as the first year of basic school Manuel Rivadeneira Canton Guaranda in the province of Bolivar in the period 2011 - 2012. Between 3 and 6 years, children / as experiencing an extraordinary development of their skills and motivation to think about what they do, predict the outcome of their actions, language and remember their experiences showing that the experiences they gain in preschool They are significant for their integral growth. It is for this reason that we consider early education as critical to the development of the child / a base, and for this we have taken into account the objective of our research is to identify and directly affects children / as the lack teaching materials in the development of the teaching - learning environment Mathematical Logic, since the use of support tools facilitates learning. The initiation of Mathematical logical knowledge is in the child's performance / a with objects and more specifically in the relationships from this activity down with them, through their manipulation and appropriate use in developing each of your skills and skills, building on significant learning as the child / a is the one responsible to relate the concepts to turn their knowledge. Through handling discover the features that exist between objects, but also learn the relationships between objects. These relationships, which allow organize, group, compare, perform a serialization etc., are not objects as such, they are a construct of the child on the basis of relationships and is detected. Therefore, the approach to the contents of mathematical representation should be based on this stage of development in an approach that gives priority to practical activity. That is why we believe that the Environment Logical Math is an ideal place to contribute to the reasoning of children / as support, as they are watching and experiencing their knowledge with teaching materials, which benefits in their cognitive development, and must be note that children / as before entering any educational context have already built some knowledge of mathematics in their interaction with the surrounding environment. The role of the teacher plays a very important role because it is the person responsible for delivering their wise knowledge in every one of the classes that corresponds always taking aim at reaching a meaningful learning, using more discovery that mechanization, enhance understanding and more than memorization, stimulate the exchange of ideas and provide teaching materials for self-correction and create in them an attitude of listening reflection. also taking into account that should work to consolidate the ethical, moral values, self-esteem, discipline, achievement, and all those who provide child / yy remain protected from any social danger.