El Periodismo Como Práctica Empírica Y Científica En El Canal Cultural Municipal 5 Tv De La Ciudad De Guaranda, Año 2009

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Our paper titled "journalism as empirical and scientific practice in the municipal cultural channel 5TV City Guaranda, 2009," arises from a problem posed for some years; you talk about the relationship between empirical scientific practice and theory in the world of communication, a position that becomes the focus of our research. Of the mass media we have interested especially on local television. It is hers and empirical and scientific practice, both in its language, and applicability we deal in this paper. We identify the specific problem How to empirical practice and scientific ignorance in the journalistic work of those who perform functions affecting social communicators 5TV canal city cultural city of Guaranda ?; to base our work find a solution elements: the importance, necessity, and other novelty items related to television communication on which our investigation is held. Measurable and achievable targets primarily arise, they lead us to determine the geo-referenced work space located in the city of Guaranda, also known as the "City of Seven Hills". From this space of the continent, Canal Cultural Municipal 5TV develops an incipient programming which analyze it to detect problems, draw conclusions and recommend possible solutions. We develop basic concepts that interact with our study variables such as journalism and empirical-analytic theory and its relationship to science journalism; and especially the role that exists with television, which we describe its history from its origins to the present concluding with what is a cultural television channel. We deepen our study emphasizing the cycle enclosing the empirical and scientific practice of journalism, with the different phases of scientific activity and types of journalism; stopping, to develop a theme of social concern such as the journalist and the street, as this unfolds in the social environment and to what extent social communication functions currently required are met. We could not miss in our research discuss language television programming classification and relationship with the culture of our people. The present research part of finding an answer to the problem that started this process; therefore, we use an appropriate methodology to verify or check whether the use of a suitable methodological TV guide improve the empirical and scientific practice in the Municipal Cultural 5TV Canal city of Guaranda, a result that was positive for our aspirations. On this basis and following analysis and interpretation of the different results yielded research; We propose to our readers the implementation of a methodological guide that tells us step by step the work that must be developed professionally in a television channel.