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Título : Consumo de alcohol y drogas asociado al rendimiento académico en estudiantes de la Carrera de derecho. Universidad Estatal de Bolívar. Período Octubre 2023 – Febrero 2024
Autor : Fierro Bósquez, María José
Cuji Pilco, Janeth Marlene
Lema Salazar, Norma Yessica
Palabras clave : ALCOHOL
Fecha de publicación : 9-jul-2024
Editorial : Universidad Estatal de Bolívar. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Ser Humano. Escuela de Enfermeria. Carrera de Enfermeria
Citación : FCCS.EF;561
Resumen : A nivel mundial existe gran preocupación por los efectos adversos del consumo nocivo de alcohol y drogas especialmente en los jóvenes, en quienes se evidencia un crecimiento en su consumo y su impacto en el rendimiento académico. El objetivo fue determinar la relación entre el consumo de sustancias y el rendimiento académico. Se empleó un enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal y correlacional con una muestra de 248 estudiantes universitarios, utilizando instrumentos específicos como: escala RAU, Test AUDIT y cuestionario CAD-20 para medir el consumo de alcohol y drogas. Los resultados revelaron que la mayoría de los estudiantes se encuentra en riesgo bajo 63,7%, seguido del 25,4% con riesgo medio, sin embargo, existió un grupo que corresponden al riesgo alto y probable adicción 10,9% de consumo de alcohol. Mientras que en el consumo de drogas indicó un 29,4% de los estudiantes se encuentra sin riesgo lo que es positivo, seguido de 60,1% tienen un riesgo leve, un 4.0% riesgo moderado, 1.6% sustancial, 4,8% severo pero significativo por lo es necesario realizar intervenciones para prevenir el consumo de drogas. Con respecto al rendimiento académico la mayoría de estudiantes muestran un alto nivel de dedicación al estudio con 73,0%, en las aportaciones académicas tenemos 48,0 %, sin embargo, se identificó un segmento de estudiantes con dificultades de mejorar en la organización de recursos didácticos con 42,7%. Estos hallazgos subrayan la importancia de fomentar estrategias para mejorar el bienestar de los estudiantes universitarios y prevenir el consumo de estas sustancias, potenciando así el rendimiento académico. ALCOHOL, DROGAS, ESTUDIANTES UNIVERSITARIOS, RENDIMIENTO ACADÉMICO.
Descripción : Globally, there is significant concern about the adverse effects of harmful consumption of alcohol and drugs, especially among young people, in whom an increase in consumption and its impact on academic performance is evident. The objective was to determine the relationship between substance use and academic performance. A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational approach was used with a sample of 248 university students, using specific instruments such as: RAU scale, AUDIT test and CAD-20 questionnaire to measure alcohol and drug use. The results revealed that most of the students are at low risk 63.7%, followed by 25.4% with medium risk, however, there was a group that corresponds to high risk and probable addiction 10.9% of alcohol consumption. While drug use indicated that 29.4% of the students are not at risk, which is positive, followed by 60.1% with a slight risk, 4.0% with moderate risk, 1.6% with substantial risk, and 4.8% with severe but significant risk, which is why it is necessary to carry out interventions to prevent drug use. With respect to academic performance most students show a high level of dedication to study with 73.0%, in academic contributions we have 48.0%, however, a segment of students with difficulties to improve in the organization of didactic resources was identified with 42.7%. These findings underscore the importance of promoting strategies to improve the well-being of university students and prevent the consumption of these substances, thus enhancing academic performance. Globally, there is significant concern about the adverse effects of harmful consumption of alcohol and drugs, especially among young people, in whom an increase in consumption and its impact on academic performance is evident. The objective was to determine the relationship between substance use and academic performance. A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational approach was used with a sample of 248 university students, using specific instruments such as: RAU scale, AUDIT test and CAD-20 questionnaire to measure alcohol and drug use. The results revealed that most of the students are at low risk 63.7%, followed by 25.4% with medium risk, however, there was a group that corresponds to high risk and probable addiction 10.9% of alcohol consumption. While drug use indicated that 29.4% of the students are not at risk, which is positive, followed by 60.1% with a slight risk, 4.0% with moderate risk, 1.6% with substantial risk, and 4.8% with severe but significant risk, which is why it is necessary to carry out interventions to prevent drug use. With respect to academic performance most students show a high level of dedication to study with 73.0%, in academic contributions we have 48.0%, however, a segment of students with difficulties to improve in the organization of didactic resources was identified with 42.7%. These findings underscore the importance of promoting strategies to improve the well-being of university students and prevent the consumption of these substances, thus enhancing academic performance . ALCOHOL, DRUGS, UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE
URI : https://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/7269
Aparece en las colecciones: Enfermería

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