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Título : La Migración Campesina Y La Pérdida De La Identidad Cultural En Los Niños Y Niñas Del Centro Educativo Comunitario Guazán Santa Clarita, Parroquia La Matriz, Cantón Guamote, Provincia De Chimborazo, Período 2010 – 2011.
Autor : Cuji Cuji, Pacifico
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : UEB.FCE.CB
Citación : FCE_CB;108
Resumen : PEASANT MIGRATION AND THE LOSS OF CULTURAL IDENTITY IN THE CHILDREN'S COMMUNITY SCHOOL SANTA CLARITA GUAZA, MATRIX PARISH, CANTON GUAMOTE, CHIMBORAZO PROVINCE, PERIOD 2010 To 2011. Social injustice, inequality in living standards among the population are the biggest problems so we can not be living in an environment in which poverty encompasses the majority. As a result of low production from the field, lack of jobs, lack of attention by governments leads to partial or total migration, leaving their children in helplessness and low self-esteem. For this reason the present research raises awareness and 80% said the values, knowledge, language, freedom, democracy, patriotism, culture and multiculturalism in the community who have been oppressed and marginalized, seeking to recover their identity and shapes of life to achieve the good life. The goal is to promote an equitable society, social, ethnic, cultural gender awareness and lead to welfare in each of those involved in education to be valued, reciprocal, participatory thus part of a community builder for the present and future the service of a just society with the right. Therefore the applied research and surveys, observation, to discover the causes and consequences of migration, and to give alternative solutions to the problems identified in this community. A proposal is made in order to raise awareness among all members of the board of the council, parents, teachers and everyone has to do with the prosperity of the community. It is hoped that this research work is formed at the center of change and transformation to bring to the community, in order to improve family and social relations in the social sphere and all the people of the community.
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/692
Aparece en las colecciones: Educación Básica

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