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Título : La gestión contable en el desarrollo administrativo del gobierno autónomo descentralizado de la parroquia San Sebastián, cantón Chimbo provincia Bolívar, año 2011
Autor : Galeas Armijo, Patricia Silvana
Parreño Cajo, Carmen Isabel
Palabras clave : GESTIÓN CONTABLE
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : Universidad Estatal de Bolívar. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas, Gestión Empresarial e Informática. Escuela de Gestión Empresarial. Carrera de Contabilidad y Auditoría Cp
Citación : FCCA.CA;39
Resumen : The present work in the Accounting Management Administrative Development of the Autonomous Decentralized San Sebastian Parish, Canton Province Chimbo Bolivar, 2011 years, has been developed with appropriate research methodologies has been developed over the course of this year, is intended to cover the need for an appropriate Management Accountant in the Autonomous Government of the same which is why the emphasis in this research. For this work in the first chapter introduces the topic, background, rationale, objectives, and apply deductive inductive methods by conducting historical surveys Autonomous Decentralized government officials, most of the results of the investigation was lack of adequate lead a Management Accountant. In the second chapter will analyze the tabulation of the surveys with their respective interpretation also notes the conclusions and recommendations. In the third chapter presents: the proposal to their respective breakdowns. For the Home Government to take efficient and effective control of daily activities and are presented in different ways in and out of it. As a result of the study drew a map indicating where it was located on the Autonomous Decentralized San Sebastian Parish identified a number of activities and measures necessary for their manufacture
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/676
Aparece en las colecciones: Contabilidad y Auditoria CP

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