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Título : Creación De La Ruta Siete Colinas Como Aporte Al Desarrollo Turístico De La Ciudad De Guaranda, Provincia Bolívar, Año 2011
Autor : Guaquipana Manobanda, José Luis
Palabras clave : CREACIÓN DE LA RUTA
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : UEB.FCA.HT
Citación : FCA_HT;89
Resumen : The present research is to create a tourist route in Guaranda Seven Hills to take advantage of the town, linking it to other attractions and tourist services in the city. The development of this tourism product is justified by the results of the survey of the population, which suggests the need to create a tourist route that allowed to visit and learn about each of the Seven Hills of Guaranda and in your tour a variety of services and attractions to help meet the needs of people traveling on the route. To create a route is different sequential steps, including: identifying each of the seven hills of the city, tourist alternatives to be included in the tour, of the route and design of a script general of this product with all the information collected was designed Seven Hills Tourist Route. Once you create the route was necessary to make it known to the community, so that settled elements of communication, dissemination and promotion of tourist product created. Thus was established the Tourist Route Seven Hills has a distance of approximately 15.29 miles, with 19 stops throughout the journey. The route is characterized by the number of viewpoints that are the tops of the hills, from where you can observe different profiles of the city and its surroundings, being able to practice in the vicinity of these hills various tourism activities. With this background came to the conclusion that all the research result was the creation of a new alternative tourism for the city, created based on the image of the Seven Hills Guaranda, the same as is disclosed by various elements of diffusion will be available to all people.
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/673
Aparece en las colecciones: Gestión Administrativa

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