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Título : Sitio web, que facilite la información institucional de la escuela fiscal mixta Nicolás Chang Lam, del recinto Potosí cantón Urdaneta de la provincia los Ríos en el periodo lectivo 2010 – 2011.
Autor : Garófalo Orozco, Luis Enrique
Melo Guayalema, Luigy Homero
Palabras clave : SITIO WEB
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : UEB.FCE.CI
Citación : FCE_CI;76
Resumen : The present investigation called ―web site‖ that facilitate the information institutional of the ―Nicolas Chang Lam‖school to the Potosí town, Urdaneta City Province the Rivers. In the period year 2011 – 2012 allowed attend a of the necessities of communication informative of the institution with the community by give to know that activities it`s realizing. By that we Have web site, because is a important tool to project the image of the educative institution. Because it permits enter dates informatives absent teachers, students and to we can incorporate images, texts, videos relationed with the institution. For the development of research work is of the backgroundwhich is manifested in the ―Nicolas Chang Lam‖ school, which allowed us to identify the reality of a problem of technologic al order, as that has not gotten to sensitize to the teachers for to achieve better the levels that we would have liked in the study of a innovative mythology as the application of a website in the teaching of the informatics. The problem in the teachers about the technology specially to teaching through of the a Website and the resolution the academic troubles of informatics, so it was considered this Website educational support, as with the same we are teaching of theory and practice. This work of grade is supported; indicate the importance, its need, its membership, as its originality and practicality according to the context where development the research work. XXIX The investigation was developed in base to the theme, problem, objectives, hypothesis, by the same, made the investigation of camp was determined the importance of a web site to improve the communication and image of the educative institution. Chapter I, theoretical framework, we describe topics relationed with the research, that are a plicate in the subject of informatics, as also the problem-solving, and the and principles of this strategy that have a relation very special in the scientific theory. Chapter II ,we describe the methods o this work as the methods that were practical, analytical, synthetic, inductive, historical and psychological, presented in an easy to follow and in the end we find a appreciation grade very feasible and objective, prior to determining the type of research, the selection of the universe and the corresponding relation established in the school applied to the research individuals , that was in your totality (3 teachers and 15 students) population quantifiable. Chapter III details the results obtained after the survey, which were tabulated in a thorough and configure them relevant charts and graphs and after analyzed, interpereter it in qualitatively. This allowed to reach the testing of the hypothesis and draws our own conclusions and based in this and makes our recommendations. Finally, in chapter IV of this research work is available to a proposal based on the results of the surveys that were applied to teachers and students in which it was noted that it is necessary and important and relevant website as solution problems specifically in the area of Informatics children in school. By other part, we detach that the proposal presented constitute a resource technologic advanced that contribute positively in the presentation institutional.
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/660
Aparece en las colecciones: Informática Educativa

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