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Título : Los ejercicios de la psicomotricidad fina en el desarrollo de la pre-escritura en los niños y niñas de 4 a 5 años de edad en la Unidad Educativa “Pedro Carbo” del cantón Guaranda, provincia Bolívar, en el año 2022.
Autor : Cevallos, Andrea
Patin Manobanda, Norma Beatriz
Rochina Coles, Adriana Verónica
Palabras clave : EJERCICIOS,
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Editorial : Universidad Estatal de Bolívar. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Carrera Educación Inicial
Citación : FCC.EI;068
Resumen : su pre-escritura, es por eso que, comprendemos que la psicomotricidad es un aspecto fundamental en el cual se debe dar a conocer que, los infantes van a trabajar con los músculos al momento de coger, sostener, agarrar objetos o manipularlos, el cual le permite al infante desarrollar lo que es la pinza digital para que a futuro pueda sostener el lápiz de manera correcta.
Descripción : XIII su pre-escritura, es por eso que, comprendemos que la psicomotricidad es un aspecto fundamental en el cual se debe dar a conocer que, los infantes van a trabajar con los músculos al momento de coger, sostener, agarrar objetos o manipularlos, el cual le permite al infante desarrollar lo que es la pinza digital para que a futuro pueda sostener el lápiz de manera correcta. Palabras Clave: Ejercicios, desarrollo, psicomotricidad y pre-escritura. VII. ABSTRACT It is essential for us to know the importance of the development of exercises for psychomotricity, since psychomotricity is one of the fundamental aspects of education, from early childhood it is worth mentioning that psychomotor aspects are fundamental for the development of the cognitive abilities of children, that is why we believe it is relevant to make known the most fundamental aspects of the exercises that can be carried out on psychomotricity, since it allows each of the infants to have a better academic development. Promoting work according to psychomotricity in the infant stage is very important, since here it is possible to develop a community cognitive and affective learning in infants, that is why psychomotricity is recognized as one of the fundamental stages for the development of the boy and girl and through learning each of these aspects help him to have better motor skills, since perseverance, strength and resistance are one of the fundamental parts for the development of energy and agility at the moment of having coordination with the body, psychomotricity allows developing capacities in which motor skills stand out within the fundamental aspects and this helps to determine what are the essential and specific components for children's academic development. XIV That is why, as future graduates of the Initial Education career, we will present the most fundamental aspects of psychomotricity, because, we know that this helps to develop essential points for the teaching-learning of children, it is necessary that in each one of the infants develops the capacities according to the suggestions and activities that are given in early stimulation, psychomotricity is divided into two fundamental aspects that are fine and gross motor skills, but we have focused on the work of fine motor skills to develop in each of the boys and girls an improvement in their pre-writing, that is why we understand that psychomotricity is a fundamental aspect in which it must be made known, that infants will work with the muscles when time to pick up, hold, grab objects or manipulate them which allows the infant to develop what is the digital clamp to be able to hold the pencil in the future is correctly
URI : https://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5566
Aparece en las colecciones: Educación Inicial

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