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Título : Plan estratégico y la gestión institucional en el centro de turismo comunitario Piedra Blanca, parroquia San Luis de Pambil, provincia Bolívar año, 2014.
Autor : Hugo Quizhpe, Víctor
Vega Peña, Nelson Agnelio
Palabras clave : PLAN ESTRATÉGICO
Fecha de publicación : 2015
Editorial : Universidad Estatal de Bolívar. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas, Gestión Empresarial e Informática. Escuela de Gestión Empresarial. Carrera de Ingeniería Comercial
Citación : FCCA.IC;3
Resumen : This research titled, STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE CENTER Community tourism "WHITE STONE" PARISH SAN LUIS pambil, 2015 - 2017 ", was established as a means of social contribution to the parish San Luis of Pambil, Canton Guaranda, Bolivar province in the exercise of Community tourist activity exercised by the organization mentioned in the research topic. The research was conducted through the following objectives, in general: "To determine the incidence of a strategic plan in the institutional management community tourism center of Piedra Blanca Parish San Luis de Pambil, Bolivar province "that in effect, the following objectives are determined specific: "Theorizing strategic planning and management organizations Community tourism; identify critical points of management and opportunities improvement through a diagnosis of the organization and propose a plan to improve strategic management of the Center for Community Tourism Piedra Blanca ". By the foregoing, and in relation to the objectives proposed by the investigation resulted in the following conclusions: 1. "The theories had raised due whose methodological support essential elements validated in a relevant, logical and sequential the formulation of the strategic plan, which complemented it representatively improvement actions in the corporate action of the Centre for Tourism Community "Piedra Blanca; 2. The critical points based on the analysis detected using a contextual diagnosis established at the Centre for Tourism Community "Piedra Blanca" which represents an improvement from the approach conducted research context; 3. The proposal for a strategic action Seated improvement from a plan responds to the reality described contextualized through the research process, which represents a significant contribution to the organization. " The methodology by which the present research work was performed It was established by inductive and analytical methods; types of research he went to the documentary, bibliographic and field aspects techniques data collection implemented in 69 tourists visitor surveys Center Community Tourism "White Stone" of the parish San Luis of Pambil Region Guaranda, Bolivar province, which in turn allowed to test the hypothesis raised: "The strategic plan will improve the management of the Community Tourism Center Piedra Blanca ", which was accepted. Finally, within the research context a proactive framework was established entitled: STRATEGIC PLAN FOR TOURISM CENTER COMMUNITY "WHITE STONE" PARISH OF SAN LUIS Pambil, 2015 - 2017 "in which the strategic objectives formulated follows. We provide entertainment, wellness and family recreation through tours tourism, horseback riding and extreme sports. Make people forget the problems and leave the daily routine Providing pleasant moments of unity and coexistence with nature. The proposal put forward is summarized as a methodological contribution from a structuring condition allowing improvement actions for tourism mentioned center, which incurs significant aspects such as: infrastructure, services offered, level of demand from customers, solvent exploited so attractive in terms of social and economic terms, and finally the relevant aspects for the tourism activities within the Trade Piedra Blanca, San Luis de Pambil parish, canton Guaranda, Bolívar province. The structuring of the methodological guideline responds to a proposed plan for understanding, fostering and perspective on the importance given in the center tourist in question, currently works actively, not before, recognize that existing resources are being exploited so inadequate or limited, since the attraction has been a source of visits national and international to the local development of pambileño sector.
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/761
Aparece en las colecciones: Comercial

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