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Título : Plan de marketing de servicios y el fortalecimiento de la imagen corporativa de la estación de servicio Gasolinera Meza de la ciudad de Guaranda, provincia Bolívar. Año 2011
Autor : Llanos, Maria
Cardenas Carrillo, Doris Elizabeth
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : Universidad Estatal de Bolívar. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas, Gestión Empresarial e Informática. Escuela de Gestión Empresarial. Carrera de Gestion Administrativa
Citación : FCCA.GA;4
Resumen : In this competitive world with a society susceptible to changes in both tastes and preferences, it is necessary to take measures to prevent these types of factors that in some way affect development of companies, unless we know what our market needs or vacuum, never manage to position a company as a leader. In the present work is the detailed study of the factors that affect the corporate image of the service station "Gasolinera Meza”, which could be identified through the application of research techniques and instruments, it's amazing how in the present there are now businesses that can afford to handle the sales marketing to bring only the product and sold without the application of sales techniques and advertising strategies. It is important to note that it was known to be a leader that not only should cover a good share of the market, as there may be many factors that can mask the real situation of an organization or company, and customer service, fair amount and quality are key factors that must accompany organizational goals, because they are the tools that help attract new customers and retain them consecutively. Thus, based on the results of market research undertaken for this thesis, it makes a proposal for improved corporate image in order to position the company as a service station, serious, honest and socially responsible with the help of the application of information and communication campaigns of fair quality and quantity, the delivery of quality care to all users, and ensuring the provision of fuel in quantity and quality. Remember that employees are the greatest support for the growth of a company if we have internal customers external customers happy because we faithful, it is important motivational techniques applied to our human resource, providing a suitable environment, safety equipment and work incentives for goals achieved, all kinds of details that make you feel important to the worker within the organization in such a way to transmit that welfare users. A solid and reliable corporate image is the most valued intangible capital for a company or organization
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/696
Aparece en las colecciones: Gestión Administrativa

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