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Título : La educación sexual, en el desarrollo socio – educativo de niños y niñas del quinto, sexto y séptimo años de educación general básica, de la escuela MAINAS, comunidad Daldal, parroquia Pungalá, cantón Riobamba, provincia Chimborazo; durante el periodo lectivo 2010 - 2011.
Autor : Espinoza Vázconez, Lucy Ximena
Silva Vallejo, Fernán Kléver
Palabras clave : EDUCACIÓN SEXUAL
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : UEB.FCE.CB
Citación : FCE_CB;103
Resumen : This research work was implemented in the School "Maine" Community Daldal, Pungal Parish, Canton Riobamba, Chimborazo Province both teachers, students and school authority. Our purpose was to know Sex Education in the socio - educational children of the fifth, sixth and seventh years of basic general education, the School "Maine" Community Daldal, Pungal Parish, Canton Riobamba, Chimborazo Province, during term time from 2010 to 2011. Sex Education in the socio - educational children, this feedback function required by both the teacher and the student is often overlooked by these actors, where the primary responsibility for this failure is in the teacher, who sees sex education as a simple administrative exercise to comply with the requirements of a minimum of notes that students should have a period of time. From another perspective, the social development - education must have as a goal that a large percentage of students do not know about this issue, so both the educational and social development must consider not only cognitive, but also attitudes and values to be inserted properly in the actual work in the short term, this combination of issues is what is called employability skills "and is a main point of this new paradigm of education. In this context, the study examines some of the key issues related to sex education and social development - education, excelling in each of these variables in the study, its main features that led us to determine that sex education should run a development Socio - Personalized education, even when obstructed with an excessive number of students per classroom, and should be done in accordance with the interests and abilities of each student. In order to establish its impact on teaching and learning process that actually point to a process and not just a grade which is often subjective and the student does not provide the clarity and often considered a critical rather than a grade. From this perspective to respond to the problem was necessary to develop a field research project, serious, real and complex synergy whose elements keep autonomy while logically grounded in modern and recent theories and philosophical approaches to the nature of sex education. The other went to a major methodological field and properly selected, among other characteristics address the descriptive, explanatory, transversal and comparative over deductive-inductive methods, literary, historical and scientific logic, which contributed in the search for truth and, for testing the hypothesis made it through a simple descriptive statistics. As data collection instruments used primary and secondary sources (surveys). The population under investigation consisted of 53personas, of which 3 are teachers who work at school and 50 students in the fifth, sixth and seventh. With regard to sources of data collection, these results reveal important were analyzed and confronted, which abalizan research problem. Furthermore, this work has statistical information, the contents are found in frequency distribution tables and a series of graphs, supported by their analysis. In this content we have developed the conclusions and recommendations, then give an alternative solution to the problem through a viable and novel proposal with a teaching guide for Sex Education for strengthening the socio - educational attainment of children.
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/687
Aparece en las colecciones: Educación Básica

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