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Título : Expresión Corporal En El Desarrollo Psicomotriz De Los Niños De 3 A 5 Años De Educación Inicial De La Parroquia San Isidro, Cantón Guano, Provincia Del Chimborazo Durante El Año Lectivo 2010 – 2011
Autor : Calderón Cabezas, Rosario Amparito
Pazmiño Secaira, Susana Rubi
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : UEB.FCE.CB
Citación : FCE_CB;101
Resumen : We carry out this research in two early education centers in the parish of San Isidro del Guano Canton province of Chimborazo during the academic year 2010 - 2011 which are called respectively Venezuela and Teodoro Woolf Our theme is called "The Body Language in the Psychomotor Development of Children 3 to 5 years of age", we justify this research on the observation that we made realizing that the children in school teachers and parents were asked who performs it this way. The body language is a language that uses the body as a means to manifest. Involves the use of the body, gestures, attitudes and movements with a communicative purpose and representative. The hypothesis was duly established after surveys have also been able to implement the proposal that we made on the issue raised. The methodology used led us to research to be successful so we can have safer s obesity, confident in themselves that can express and communicate in a more integrated, authentic and creative feelings, thoughts and emotions. The conclusions and recommendations we have discharged after completion of the work and having observed strengths and weaknesses that have arisen during our visit to the two centers. The collaboration of the two directors and teachers has been totally up to us giving us the necessary facilities in order to complete our investigation. In the appendices we present the photographs of the experiences and the tools we use for our research.
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/685
Aparece en las colecciones: Educación Básica

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