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Título : La educación sexual de los padres de familia indígenas influye en la formación de la personalidad de los hijos adolescentes de décimo año de educación básica de la unidad educativa a distancia de Chimborazo extensión Lirio San Gonzalo parroquia Matriz, cantón Guamote provincia del Chimborazo en el año lectivo 2010 -2011
Autor : Apugllón Lluco, María Teresa
Illapa Buñay, Magno
Palabras clave : EDUCACION SEXUAL
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : UEB.FCE.CB
Citación : FCE_CB;82
Resumen : Adult society expects and demands their youth and adolescents who are responsible with their sex life, but behave irresponsibly They assume the way sex education. They assume that adults with " NO pedagogy "and" sexual terrorism "would be enough to achieve responsible sexuality. The ban has been insufficient to exercise control over sexual behavior youth, let alone form it. Family and school are not intentionally and systematically sexuality. Most adults say their children to be careful but not taught as having it. The school and the family is still forming in sexuality with a scheme suppressive and preventive "look everything bad that can happen if you have sex coital ". In this paper the agendas sexosóficas policies discussed sex education based "only" on abstinence and postponement. It is discussed Statistical data ineffectiveness of these policies. training is proposed in autonomy. The irresponsible role of the family and the school is questioned. The mission of the family, school, state and society would provide all repertoires knowledge, values, attitudes and skills that fit autonomous responsibly and constructively to begin their coital life in the each time that it considers, before or after marriage. While continue to avoid making an open sex education, based on truth, centered the promotion of values ​​and attitudes for responsible sexuality, and constructive, it can not be expected that future generations have a health higher than previous generations have had. One of the biggest concerns that adults respect to youth it relates to the way they are living their sexuality and the effects of this about their sexual health. However it is clear the "irresponsibility" with which adults assume their roles in sex education. Paradoxically, adult society aims, from "an irresponsible sexual education" that the youth and adolescence "live sexuality responsibly." It's easy for adults to note the irresponsibility of youth in their sexuality, but very difficult for them to identify and take irresponsibility own as parents regarding the sexual education of their children.
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/666
Aparece en las colecciones: Educación Básica

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