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Título : Implementación de un sistema automatizado para cobros de tarifas mensuales del consumo de agua potable para la junta administradora de agua potable de la comunidad de Gradas
Autor : Tenelema Quitio, Laura Clemencia
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : UEB.FCA.ES
Citación : FCA_ES;73
Resumen : In the community of Harrow, the study of the Manual Fare Collection System Monthly Water Consumption of different entities belonging to this community, finding some shortcomings which led to the investigation of this subject to be automated process was developed. Some existing programs in the market were analyzed, as well the most appropriate tools to develop this application which was chosen were: MySQL, PHP, APACHE He revealed the knowledge acquired Software Engineering, the same that allowed the development of System Charges Rate Monthly Water Consumption, improving and replacing the current procedure. Currently the fee collection system is working properly fed a certain amount of information from users of the community.
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/657
Aparece en las colecciones: Sistemas

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