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Título : Las nociones básicas sobre la educación en valores, durante el proceso de formación, para mejorar las relaciones interpersonales de los alumnos del segundo año de educación básica del centro educativo comunitario intercultural bilingüe “abya yala”, de la comunidad kilitawa. Parroquia Guanujo, cantón Guaranda. Provincia de Bolívar, Ecuador, durante el período lectivo 2010 – 2011.
Autor : Gavilánez Gavilán Delma Graciela, Hinojosa Taris Rosita Mariela
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : UEB.FCE.CB
Citación : FCE_CB;62
Resumen : EXECUTIVE SUMMARY IN SPANISH AND ENGLISH To determine the problem used two types of research: field and documentary, in field research we used the technique of the survey with the employment of the questionnaire, which contains questions relating to the problem. Prior to the validation of experts. The documentary research refers to the scientific part, in which we conduct research and develop the proposal. The investigated problem is from the problematic who live daily children, with regard to the formation of values on the part of the family toward them. Children constitute the comprehensive database in the family, if the same is. Rightly concerned to establish norms and values from six years thereafter, in order to take in the morning a person of integrity that contribution actually Ecuadorian society. It is therefore proposed "design a pedagogical carnet of the basic notions of education in values" that allows to reorient some aspects of a social nature and education to help the integral formation of the child. This document aims to provide with the practice of values in the family, students and the Educational Center, to encourage virtues and how it should be treat and manage conflicts in the absence of them with the other people from a very young age in order to deal with this moral crisis. The objective is to identify, both at the general level and particular and specific the current crisis of values in the social and educational field to serve as a reference to the development of the work. That is, from the second year of Basic Education of the Community Education Center Bilingual Intercultural ABYA YALA, their teachers, parents and the Directors of the Educational Center; it will also consider the institutional characteristics and human resources. Has as objective to analyze the experiences from the point of view of the foundations of the proposal, compile the information gained and interpret it, both at the level of data as proposals so as to obtain the respective conclusions, That would enable us to define the achievements made with regard to what was suggested and framing at the level of recommendations which should be the mission of the Teacher and the role of the family environment in the field of education in values for the children. In chapter I, you want to the universality of scientific information has recognized the intellective experience of theoretical stationed in basic notions, the practice of values and the promotion of interpersonal relationships that has level argumentative contribute in analytical understanding to promote a practical proposal that empowers the spaces socio-affective learning. In chapter II, the pluri-dimension of the scientific method the methodological strategies that troop-contributing in the directionality of the inquiry hypothetical-deductive and mark the mark on the gap systematized and logic to demonstrate through the instruments for collecting information primary problem characterized in the present work of a degree. In chapter III, constitutes the interpretative argument of the empirical tools (surveys and interview) applied to the members of the educational community and that of their results emerge the conclusions and recommendations are addressed from the research proposal. In chapter IV, describes how proposal a carnet of pedagogical the basic notions of the education in values in contribution to the promotion of interpersonal relations, the same as have been possible to demonstrate how new proactive stances in students, teachers, parents, and lideralidad from the authority
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/646
Aparece en las colecciones: Educación Básica

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