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Título : Las inteligencias múltiples para desarrollar las habilidades receptivas y productivas del idioma inglés en la mediación pedagógica de los estudiantes del primero y segundo año bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional a distancia “Extensión San Pablo” cantón San Miguel, provincia Bolívar- Ecuador del período lectivo 2010-2011.
Autor : Cuji Tenelema, Francisco Miguel
Rea Mazambada, Leydi Viviana
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : UEB.FCCE.IE
Citación : FCCE-IE;011
Resumen : This present work is designed to make known the importance of the application of multiple intelligences in the process of studying and learning of the students at the UNEFD-B Extension "San Pablo de Atenas” San Miguel Canton Bolívar Province. Having made a previous investigation we realize that there is a low level of knowledge of the subject of English in students and the teachers it did not apply at least one of the multiple intelligences at the moment to socialize your classes. We know that in the present the English language is the language most spoken around the world, so it is essential to learn it thoroughly, even at the institution in mention, in the elementary and middle sections, because from that age students possess a much higher level of abstraction to understand and comprehend faster and retentive. To avoid this problematic arising is that teachers of the subject mostly to apply the multiple intelligences achieving during the development of your classes at the time to impart your knowledge in a practical way. Another problem exists is that the subject of English during its application has been part of academic pensum considered as a commodity more, didn’t justify its importance in educational development. The objective has as purpose give to know the application of the eight multiple intelligences during the development of the class, which will contribute to better level of teaching and learning in secondary school students, specifically to the students of extension "San Pablo", of the specialties accounting and social sciences. XII XVI The contribution to the education with this work is of great importance whom form part of the educative community because through it can more easily provide the knowledge of the subject of English, and to form part of a quality education according to the current demands in our social middle. Our work provides the facility make known the application of multiple intelligences respectively using methods and techniques when the teachers impart their knowledge in the time of class to their students with the purpose that students retain their knowledge and put it in practice. Aspire us to be part of educational change in the country, since the actual education demands a round change in the development of education being participants in sharing our ideas with the students that are pursuing secondary education or media.
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/643
Aparece en las colecciones: Informática Educativa

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