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Título : Estudio etnográfico del patrimonio cultural de las comunidades andinas, parroquia Simiatug, cantón Guaranda, provincia Bolívar año 2017
Autor : Quintana Saltos, María Fernanda
Mayorga Camacho, Nadia Carolina
Palabras clave : TURISMO Y HOTELERIA
Fecha de publicación : 2018
Editorial : Universidad Estatal de Bolívar. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas, Gestión Empresarial e Informática. Escuela de Gestión Empresarial. Carrera de Turismo y Hoteleria
Citación : FCCAD.TH;35
Descripción : following ethnographic project consists of the description of the cultural heritage found in the Simiatug parish and its Andean communities with the purpose of knowing their cultural traditions as well as: parties, typical food, handicrafts, among other cultural aspects, and the same way those natural attractions that stand out in their communities through the narration of each inhabitant of the area. The problem that is evident in this project is that the little cultural heritage found in the Simiatug parish and its Andean communities, because young people have migrated to other cities in search of education and work, learning new customs and traditions that displace those learned and practiced in organizations from generation to generation, significantly losing their interest. For the gathering of information, an interview was conducted with the purpose of speaking with the inhabitants and they can express each experience and knowledge about the cultural heritage of the Simiatug parish. When conducting the interview it was appreciated that the behavior of Simiateños is very kind, supportive although there are certain people who showed a somewhat distant attitude because they still feel a little distrust of the mestizo person. This ethnographic work that I have done has been with the purpose of highlighting and valuing the ancestral custom of the Andean area with the only one to make the current youth feel proud of their roots and to show more interest in those traditions, dress, language and preserve those ancestral heritages that have remained to this day. KEYWORDS: Simiatug, traditions, parties, clothing, customs.
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/2652
Aparece en las colecciones: Turismo y Hoteleria

Ficheros en este ítem:
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Informe Final Estudio Etnografico.pdfArchivo PDF4,19 MBAdobe PDFVisualizar/Abrir
Modelo de guia Simiatug.pdf2,02 MBAdobe PDFVisualizar/Abrir

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