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dc.contributor.advisorSalazar, Sonia-
dc.contributor.authorPaillacho Pujota, Germania-
dc.descriptionEn el Ecuador la producción de Rosas es una de las actividades de mucha importancia dado que genera un gran monto de divisas, convirtiéndose en la segunda actividad agropecuaria, con participación del 5% de las exportaciones agrícolas todo esto es por su insuperable calidad, diversidad de variedad y magnifica belleza. Esto ha determinado un valioso interés en empresarios nacionales y extranjeros, para expandir esta actividad. Para lograrlo, se han realizado esfuerzos técnicos y económicos. En la actualidad existen aproximadamente 3412,53 hectáreas de rosas cultivadas. A partir de la década de 1980 la producción florícola en el cantón Pedro Moncayo se inicia, con casi 433 hectáreas destinadas a este tipo de cultivo, de las cuales el 90% son para rosas y el resto para flores de verano. La producción florícola de Pedro Moncayo representa el 25% del total nacional; además de ocupar el primer lugar en las estadísticas nacionales de exportación de productos no tradicionales. La producción exportable del cantón es de unas 25.000 cajas semanales, que significan 7 millones y medio de tallos. Los principales 77 mercados que se han abierto para la flor pedromoncayense por su incomparable calidad son: Estados Unidos, Rusia y Europa Occidental. El uso de bioestimulantes y enmiendas del suelo en la agricultura orgánica en especial en el sector florícola constituye una herramienta, para modificar procesos fisiológicos de planta y con ellos lograr mejoras en la productividad, calidad y rentabilidad. Ésta investigación se realizó Tabacundo, Cantón Pedro Pedro Moncayo, Provincia de Pichincha .En las instalaciones de la empresa Fenix Roses S.A.El sitio estuvo ubicado a 2900m.s.n.m Los objetivos que se plantearon en esta investigación fueron: Evaluar agronómicamente el cultivo de rosa variedad “Royal Circus” a la aplicación foliar de dos bioestimulantes orgánicos con tres dosis. Tabacundo, Pichincha. Determinar cuál de los dos bioestimulantes dan los mejores resultados agronómicos. Establecer cuál de las tres dosis de abono de frutas es la más adecuada. Analizar la relación costo/beneficio. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completamente al azar (DBCA) con arreglo factorial 3x2 +1 y con cuatro observaciones.Se consideró un total de veientiocho tratamientos, catorce plantas por tratmiento y diez plantas por parcela neta. Los biestimulantes utilizados en la investigación fueron: Abono de frutas y Bio- solar y además se utilizó un testigo absoluto (to) sin aplicar ningún bioestimulante. La aplicación de los bioestimulantes, se realizó según las dosis establecidas dosis baja (b1), dosis media (b2), dosis alta (b3), a partir dede cuando los botones seleccionados estuvieron en punto arroz con un total de cuatro aplicaciones hasta la cosecha.Las variables evaluadas fueron: Longitud de tallo, diámetro de tallo, largo del pedúnculo, largo y diámetro del botón, días a la cosecha, vida en florero, incidencia y severidad de enfermedades y y el análisis económico en la relación B/C.Para el analisi funcional se efectuó la prueba de tukey al 5% para tratamientos,dosis,y factorial (AxB). 78 6.2 SUMMARY In the Ecuador the production of Roses is one of the activities of a lot of importance since it generates a great one I mount of foreign currencies, becoming the second agricultural activity, with participation of 5% of the agricultural exports all this is for its unbeatable quality, diversity of variety and it magnifies beauty. This has determined a valuable interest in national and foreign managers, to expand this activity. To achieve it, they have been carried out technical and economic efforts. At the present time they exist 3412, 53 hectares of cultivated roses approximately. Starting from the decade of 1980 the production florícola in the canton Pedro Moncayo begins, with almost 433 hectares dedicated to this cultivation type, of which 90% is for roses and the rest for summer flowers. Pedro's production florícola Moncayo represents 25% of the national total; besides occupying the first place in the national statistics of export of non traditional products. The exportable production of the canton is of some 25.000 weekly boxes that mean 7 million and half shafts. The main markets that have opened up for the flower pedromoncayense for their incomparable quality are: United States, Russia and Western Europe. 79 The bioestimulantes use and amendments of the floor in the organic agriculture especially in the sector florícola it constitutes a tool, to modify physiologic processes of plant and with them to achieve improvements in the productivity, quality and profitability. This investigation Tabacundo, Canton was carried out Pedro Pedro Moncayo, County of Pichincha. In the facilities of the company Phoenix Roses S.A.El place was located at 2900m.s.n.m. The objectives that thought about in this investigation were: To evaluate the cultivation of pink variety agronomically "Royal Circus" to the application to foliate of two organic bioestimulantes with three dose. Tabacundo, Pichincha. To determine which of the two bioestimulantes they give the best agronomic results. To settle down which of the three doses of payment of fruits it is the most appropriate. To analyze the relationship costo/beneficio. A design of blocks was used totally at random (DBCA) with factorial arrangement 3x2 +1 and with four observaciones.Se it considered a total of veientiocho treatments, fourteen plants for tratmiento and ten plants for net parcel. The biestimulantes used in the investigation was: Payment of fruits and Bio-lot and an absolute witness was also used (to) without applying any bioestimulante.The application of the bioestimulantes, was carried out according to the doses established low dose (b1), half dose (b2), high dose (b3), to leave dede when the selected bellboys were on the dot rice with a total of four applications until the evaluated variable cosecha.Las they were: Shaft longitude, shaft diameter, long of the peduncle, long and diameter of the button, days to the crop, life in vase, incidence and severity of illnesses and and the economic analysis in the relationship B/C.Para the functional analisi the tukey test was made to 5% for factorial tratamientos,dosis,y (AxB)en_US
dc.description.abstractIn the Ecuador the production of Roses is one of the activities of a lot of importance since it generates a great one I mount of foreign currencies, becoming the second agricultural activity, with participation of 5% of the agricultural exports all this is for its unbeatable quality, diversity of variety and it magnifies beauty. This has determined a valuable interest in national and foreign managers, to expand this activity. To achieve it, they have been carried out technical and economic efforts. At the present time they exist 3412, 53 hectares of cultivated roses approximately. Starting from the decade of 1980 the production florícola in the canton Pedro Moncayo begins, with almost 433 hectares dedicated to this cultivation type, of which 90% is for roses and the rest for summer flowers. Pedro's production florícola Moncayo represents 25% of the national total; besides occupying the first place in the national statistics of export of non traditional products. The exportable production of the canton is of some 25.000 weekly boxes that mean 7 million and half shafts. The main markets that have opened up for the flower pedromoncayense for their incomparable quality are: United States, Russia and Western Europe. 79 The bioestimulantes use and amendments of the floor in the organic agriculture especially in the sector florícola it constitutes a tool, to modify physiologic processes of plant and with them to achieve improvements in the productivity, quality and profitability. This investigation Tabacundo, Canton was carried out Pedro Pedro Moncayo, County of Pichincha. In the facilities of the company Phoenix Roses S.A.El place was located at 2900m.s.n.m. The objectives that thought about in this investigation were: To evaluate the cultivation of pink variety agronomically "Royal Circus" to the application to foliate of two organic bioestimulantes with three dose. Tabacundo, Pichincha. To determine which of the two bioestimulantes they give the best agronomic results. To settle down which of the three doses of payment of fruits it is the most appropriate. To analyze the relationship costo/beneficio. A design of blocks was used totally at random (DBCA) with factorial arrangement 3x2 +1 and with four observaciones.Se it considered a total of veientiocho treatments, fourteen plants for tratmiento and ten plants for net parcel. The biestimulantes used in the investigation was: Payment of fruits and Bio-lot and an absolute witness was also used (to) without applying any bioestimulante.The application of the bioestimulantes, was carried out according to the doses established low dose (b1), half dose (b2), high dose (b3), to leave dede when the selected bellboys were on the dot rice with a total of four applications until the evaluated variable cosecha.Las they were: Shaft longitude, shaft diameter, long of the peduncle, long and diameter of the button, days to the crop, life in vase, incidence and severity of illnesses and and the economic analysis in the relationship B/C.Para the functional analisi the tukey test was made to 5% for factorial tratamientos,dosis,y (AxB)en_US
dc.publisherUniversidad Estatal de Bolívar . Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias . Escuela de Ingeniería Agronómicaen_US
dc.titleEvaluación agronómica del cultivo de rosa (Rosa Sp), variedad “Royal Circus” a la aplicación foliar de dos bioestimulantes orgánicos con tres dosis bajo invernadero. En Tabacundo, Pichinchaen_US
Aparece en las colecciones: Agronomía

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