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Título : Guía De Eventos Protocolarios Para Proyectar La Imagen Institucional De Los Gobiernos Autónomos Descentralizados De Las Parroquias Puerto Pechiche Y San Juan, Del Cantón San Francisco De Pueblo Viejo, Provincia Los Ríos En El Año 2014.
Autor : Rojas Once, Mercy Celinda
Bermeo Pazmiño, Erika Elizabeth
Manobanda Bayas, Fanny Noemy
Palabras clave : GUÍA DE EVENTOS
Fecha de publicación : 2015
Editorial : UEB.FCA.GA
Citación : FCA_GA;115
Resumen : As the need to design a protocol EventGuide to project the institutional image in the autonomous governments of Puerto Parishes Pechiche and San Juan, we see the need to cover certain failures in order to organize any event without improvise . This research is important because it gave us to understand the difficulties faced by institutions, for an event of any kind, have been used economic resources, investigative techniques, such as data collection, interview techniques which have allowed us to extract information the directors, officers, users of GAD. The main objective of the research is to provide guidance protocol events so that all the necessary techniques on how to organize events apply, whether providing a good image to customers and the general public. First Chapter: This is where we detail the following points. Topic, Background, problem, Justification Objectives, Theoretical Framework, Scientific Geographic all related institutions, taking into account that different concepts are taken from several authors. Chapter Two: This contains all the data collected, the analysis and interpretation of the interviews. Third Chapter. Proposal contains the Design Guide Events protocol that can be applied in the institutions of arrangements for their needs.
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/731
Aparece en las colecciones: Gestión Administrativa

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