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Título : Las Tics Y Su Incidencia En El Proceso De Enseñanza De La Computación En Los Octavos Años De Educación General Básica Del Colegio Nacional Mixto “4 De Julio” De La Provincia Del Chimborazo Del Cantón Chunchi Parroquia Matriz En El Periodo Académico 2010 – 2011.
Autor : Villacrés Cevallos, Jaime Eduardo
Palabras clave : LAS TICS
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : UEB.FCE.CI
Citación : FCE_CI;105
Resumen : His research comprises part of the Information Technology and communication, using a technique base that is a program called Trendy Flash Builder 1.0, the reasons why the software is implemented are: The need for teachers and students to maximize the very limited time to work in classrooms and computer lab because the computers that have the school does not supply the needs that students have, for the main reason we the need to design a tool, such as this tutorial, which optimize more than just physical resources that the institution has a material support that the student will have to strengthen their skills at home or in a computer center of locality. Teachers prepare and plan their lessons and in the case of not having time for dictation, may deliver this material called COMPUTER CLASS OF TODAY, and the student in advance and has strengthened magnetic device where deemed advisable.
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/689
Aparece en las colecciones: Informática Educativa

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