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Título : Un Sistema Contable Automatizado En La Gestión Financiera Para La Toma De Decisiones En La Gasolinera Los Arrayanes; Parroquia San Pablo De Atenas, Cantón San Miguel, Provincia Bolívar, Año 2011.
Autor : Naranjo Baño, Nubia Jiseña
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : UEB.FCA.CA
Citación : FCA_CA;95
Resumen : Service Station Los Arrayanes the same as it is based in the parish San Pablo de Atenas San Miguel Canton, Bolivar Province, acquired legal status by Ministerial Agreement No. 1688 of January 11, 2002, by Eng. Marcelo Yanes and his family, opens the doors to the public and was created by the need for different users who had the parish, is the pioneer in fuel distribution in the province. The same that until now does not have a computerized accounting system suitable for the control of its business. The new owner is the Lic. GERMAN JARRIN the station complies nine years of existence and does not have an accounting system that allows them to improve financial reporting and thus make accurate and timely decisions to improve profitability The advancement of science and technology, the requirement of the Ministry of Economy and Social Inclusion MIES; and the Internal Revenue Service SRI have not been taken into account by the organization; therefore it is necessary to implement and propose running the automated accounting system that best allows its financial management for proper decision making. This graduation work contains three chapters: the first chapter contains background research, Theme, Background, Problem formulation, Marco theoretical framework, Georeferencial, Conceptual Framework, Scientific Theory, Hypothesis, Variables, and the second chapter refers to collection analysis and interpretation of survey results, recommendations conclusions and hypothesis testing, and the third chapter refers to the Proposal of the research, and contains the chart of accounts that was specially created for the Gas, accounting policies, dynamics of accounts and the implementation of the new computerized system, Monica 8.5 on the Lions Service Station with subsequent application in the period of one month in the system and their respective reports.
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/679
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