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Título : La racionalización de las tareas extra curriculares para la elevación del desarrollo de capacidades en el proceso de aprendizaje del área de matemática en los niños/as del sexto año de educación básica de la escuela Carlos Egas Manrique de la comunidad de chaupi contadero perteneciente al cantón Latacunga, provincia de Cotopaxi en el período lectivo 2010-2011.
Autor : Segundo Bolívar, Miniguano Tipanquiza
Paulina Elizabeth, Moreno Angueta
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : UEB.FCE.CB
Citación : FCE_CB;65
Resumen : Does the work of the State University of Bolívar have an arduous task in the investigative process as the topic it is The Rationalization of the curricular tasks extra for the elevation of the development of capacities in the process learning of Mathematics's area in the children of the sixth year of Basic Education of the School Carlos Egas Manrique of the Community of Chaupi Contadero belonging to the Parish Belisario Quevedo of the Canton Latacunga, County of Cotopaxi, in period lectivo 2010-2011 whose problem to solve is the rationalization of the curricular tasks extra with methodological strategies elevates the development of capacities in the process of learning of Mathematics's area in the children of the sixth year of Basic Education of the School Of what way Carlos Egas Manrique?, since in this problem we can frame the general objective that is to determine the curricular extra rationalization of tasks with methodological strategies that elevate the development of capacities in the process of learning of Mathematics's area, in which we believe the following specific objectives as they are: To diagnose the methodological programs that it uses the educational one with a survey to inform the application of new methodological strategies, To Define methodological strategies by means of theoretical knowledge for the curricular extra development of tasks in the learning process; To Design programs methodological by means of Mathematical games to elevate the development of capacities of the process learning in Mathematics's area, proposing the hypothesis then With the curricular extra rationalization of tasks and methodological strategies the development of capacities will rise in the process of learning of Mathematics's area, in the Sixth Year of Basic Education of the School Carlos Egas Manrique of the Community Chaupi Contadero of the Canton Latacunga, belonging to the county of Cotopaxi in the year lectivo 2010-2011 in which is presented the variables: Independent variable: The curricular extra rationalization of tasks, Dependent Variable the development of capacities in the learning process and the Variable Intervener methodological Strategies. The theories that were studied are those of Jean Piaget, Bruner and Ausubel and in the one that the work is based it is of Bruner and Ausubel with their theories for discovery and theory of the significant learning. Among the strategies methodology it was applied the Applied investigations, Explanatory, of Field, Bibliographical, the instrument of gathering of data was a survey, a transversal design was applied with an universe of 16 Sixth year-old children by means of the inductive Methods and the deductive one, it was analyzed and it tabulated of data using Charts and percentage graphics. The conclusion is that the educational of the School "Carlos Egas Manrique" they Know the rationalization meaning for it can improve it the shipment of tasks, because they are a means to direct and to propitiate the learning of the children, taking into account that they are children that belong to the rural area that you/they should complete obligations. The recommendation is that the curricular extra rationalization of tasks should be planned to be successful in the outlined objective, it should be informed the family parents that control the curricular tasks extra to foment a significant learning. The proposal is to program methodology strategies with shops of mathematical games to elevate the development of capacities in the learning of area of Mathematics.
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/649
Aparece en las colecciones: Educación Básica

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