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Título : Técnicas Para El Aprendizaje De La Gramática Del Idioma Inglés En Los Estudiantes Del Tercer Ciclo De La Carrera De Ingles De La Universidad Estatal De Bolívar, Cantón Guaranda, Provincia Bolívar, Año Lectivo 2010-1011.
Autor : Morejón Bonilla, Blanca Mariana
Parco Chimbolema, Gloria Patricia
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : UEB.FCE.CI
Citación : FCE_CI;96
Resumen : The purpose of this research is fundamental to implement new techniques for better understanding of English grammar, as now, we want change, we are generating new technologies around the world and be updated is the challenge of the actual teacher. These works constitute without a doubt a guide for us to understand more foreign languages and especially English as a means of correlation with the world. Where population is most everything with a new language such as English, learn elements of the culture of a party where all are native. In the training of future professionals is of great importance to study English language and that language is a foreign language worldwide there by promoting learning techniques to apply the grammar of English, taking into account as our research strategy. It is so that the research topic: "TECHNIQUES FOR LEARNING THE GRAMMAR OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN THE STUDENTS OF THE THIRD CYCLE OF ENGLISH CAREER OF STATE UNIVERSITY OF BOLIVAR, canton Guaranda, Bolivar Province, in 2010-2011" considers historic references and history of the institution and particularly of Faculty of Sciences of Education, English Career and his 18 years with human quality able to research and education. Our research is supported by a justification where students have many weaknesses in grammar, which does not permit the development of students effectively. Taking into account that the problem refers to the lack of techniques application for learning English in third cycle of English students as a general objective: to improve the techniques for learning the English language grammar in the third cycle students of the English career State University of Bolivar. And specific objectives: to diagnose the knowledge of grammar. Diagnose the learning process of English Grammar. Designing a teaching guide for learning techniques of English grammar. Since our general hypothesis through a Didactic guide will influence positively the learning of English grammar in the third cycle of the English students State University of Bolivar Faculty of Education, Social, Philosophical and Humanistic, taking into account as a Dependent Variable: Techniques for Learning, and as Independent Variable: Grammar of the English Language. Operationalization of variables of the questionnaire was obtained and guidelines that serve as instruments of the techniques used, the survey and interview respectively. Chapter I is developed considering the theoretical framework that contains the conceptual theory where describes the concept of learning techniques for classification of grammar skills, grammar concept, property of the grammar, ways to get learning grammar. Legal framework which includes the various items we have taken of the constituent assembly in higher education. Conceptual theory, also concerning institutional State University of Bolivar Faculty of Education, Social, Philosophical and Humanistic. In Chapter II, we develop the methodology, with the design research for the purpose, applied by the level, location, field and literature. The methods used were Method Deductive and inductive methods. The people and the universe were considered the race of English and a sample of the third cycle of the race. Participating teachers, students and researchers. In Chapter III, for the analysis and interpretation of results Descriptive statistics, were used to calculate tables of frequencies, at the foot of the same with the sources, the pie charts and methodology DEIA (description, explanation, interpretation, argumentation and qualitative evaluation) for the respective analysis. Reaching the conclusions outlined in the analysis, leaving it to this research that constitutes the starting point for the implementation of new proposals for academic nature. In Chapter IV the proposal outwits develops a methodological guide for learning the grammar of English, as an alternative study whose objectives are to develop a methodological guide for learning it.
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/680
Aparece en las colecciones: Informática Educativa

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