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Título : La multimedia como estrategia didáctica en el aprendizaje activo de los estudiantes del décimo año básico en la disciplina de ciencias naturales del Colegio Nacional Mixto Yatuvi recinto Yatuvi Cantón Caluma prov. de Bolivar en el periodo 2010-2011
Autor : Chavez Angulo, Carola Concepcion
Zavala Taipe, Maria Isabel
Palabras clave : MULTIMEDIA
Fecha de publicación : 2012
Editorial : UEB.FCE.CI
Citación : FCE_CI;81
Resumen : This research entitled 'The media as a teaching strategy in active learning of students in the tenth year of basic education in the discipline of Natural Sciences of the Joint National College Campus -Yatuvi‖ Yatuvi Canton Bolivar Province Caluma period allowed us 2011-2012‖ account of the needs of learning in students who are educated in that institution. The research was developed based on the theme, problem, once we have done field research the importance of multimedia as a teaching strategy for active learning in the discipline of Natural Sciences was determined. It should be noted that the proposal made is a multimedia and technological resource that contributes to the teaching - learning students in the tenth year of basic education. The learning process becomes more dynamic, because on a given topic animations are displayed, and appropriate use is achieved that students better grasp the ideas to be transmitted. Proper use and implementation of this software in the discipline of Natural Sciences, makes gain a better teacher prestige and therefore the educational institution regarding how knowledge is imparted.
URI : http://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/665
Aparece en las colecciones: Informática Educativa

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