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Título : Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Dynamic Element of Tourism in the Community of Quindihua, Province of Bolivar, Ecuador
Autor : Sánchez Chávez, Germán
Arcos Bósquez, Verónica
Torres Cadena, Juan Pablo
García García, Yadira
Fecha de publicación : 15-oct-2021
Editorial : Universidad Estatal de Bolívar
Citación : Yadira García García, G. S. C. V. A. B. J. P. T. C. (2021). Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Dynamic Element of Tourism in the Community of Quindihua, Province of Bolivar, Ecuador. Design Engineering, 4175-4186. Retrieved from http://www.thedesignengineering.com/index.php/DE/article/view/5363
Citación : PCM-UEB;21-010
Resumen : Intangible cultural heritage is a key element of the territory that has not yet been sufficiently addressed. It is not only a tourist resource, but also a fundamental factor of identity. Its great vulnerability makes urgent protection measures necessary to preserve cultural diversity in a globalized world. For this purpose, UNESCO has proclaimed several intangible assets as World Heritage. In relation to this heritage, new tourists have emerged, in addition to traditional cultural tourism, such as ethnic, community, indigenous, etc. The present work aims to expose the interrelationship between intangible heritage and tourism in the Quindihua community in Ecuador, from an interpretative perspective. We resorted to qualitative ethnographic research and used an interview technique that allowed us to understand the way in which social actors perceive and produce their heritage. The main result is evidence of the richness and diversity of Andean culture with high heritage and commercial value as a tourist resource.
Descripción : http://www.thedesignengineering.com/index.php/DE/article/view/5363
URI : https://dspace.ueb.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6001
ISSN : 0011-9342
Aparece en las colecciones: Producción Científica

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